HC Deb 29 July 1965 vol 717 c669
22. Mr. Charles R. Morris

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will introduce legislation to prevent insurance companies rejecting proposals for motor insurance from individuals with British parents on the grounds that they were born outside the British Isles.

Mr. Darling

No, Sir. I understand that in so far as any insurance companies are less ready to accept proposals for motor insurance from persons born outside the British Isles, any such differential treatment is based on an assessment of the risks involved.

Mr. Morris

I thank my hon. Friend for that reply. Is he not aware that this sort of action makes the individuals concerned feel that it is a form of racial discrimination?

Mr. Darling

As I understand it from this case, that does not arise. It is, as I said in my Answer, a question of basing the assessment on the risks involved for the person who wants to be insured. My hon. Friend should bear in mind that there are about 200 insurers in this country catering for motor business. It is a very competitive market. I should imagine that any competent driver, whatever his origin, whether born in this country or not, should be able to find an insurer prepared to offer him reasonable terms.