HC Deb 19 July 1965 vol 716 c1106
4. Mr. Heffer

asked the Minister of Health why a decision was made to close the casualty department at Stanley Hospital before the completion of the new accident unit at Walton Hospital.

Mr. K. Robinson

Closure as originally planned would have followed the expected date of completion of the new accident unit at Walton. The latter has been delayed, and knowledge of the intended closure of the Stanley made it impossible to maintain staff complements at a level which would have enabled this closure to be correspondingly delayed. I have now agreed to the use of the Stanley by the regional hospital board until 30th June, 1968, to help in the reorganisation and improvement of services which they provide.

Mr. Heffer

Is my right hon. Friend aware that that Answer will give great satisfaction in the area?

Mr. Simon Mahon

Can my right hon. Friend say when the new accident unit at Walton Hospital will be ready?

Mr. Robinson

According to my present information it is not expected to be ready before April, 1966.