HC Deb 19 July 1965 vol 716 cc1092-3
12. Mr. Ioan L. Evans

asked the Minister of Health what study has been made by his Department of a compound, whose chief ingredient is a plentiful mineral zirconium, developed by dental research laboratories in the United States of America, which could eliminate dental decay within a decade; and if he will consider the use of this new compound in future, instead of adding fluoride to the water supply.

Mr. K. Robinson

Inquiries have shown that work on this and similar compounds in America is only in a preliminary stage. I know of no scientific evidence to suggest that they are an alternative to fluoridation.

Mr. Evans

While realising the need to prevent dental decay, may I ask my right hon. Friend to recognise that there are widespread objections to the addition of fluoride to the public water supply? Will he or his Department consider this and other possible alternatives to meet this growing problem?

Mr. Robinson

This report on the development of the compound referred to by my hon. Friend the Member for Birmingham, Yardley (Mr. Joan L. Evans), appeared only in an article in a popular magazine. So far as I know, there have been no reports whatever in scientific journals. I am completely convinced of the desirability, on health grounds, of fluoridation, and also of its safety. I hope shortly to be giving further guidance to local authorities on this matter.

Mr. Lubbock

Does the Minister realise that a great deal of opposition to fluoridation is being stirred up by an organisation of cranks known as the National Pure Water Association? Does he realise that there are some hon. Members on both sides of this House who are so gullible as to be taken in by the unscientific propaganda of this organisation, and will he takes steps to educate hon. Members on the complete safety of fluoridation?

Mr. Robinson

I shall certainly do my best. The hon. Gentleman probably knows that the campaign for fluoridation has been somewhat handicapped for the last two years, because of an action against Watford Corporation brought, I believe, on behalf of the association to which he referred. This action has now been terminated and we can go ahead.