HC Deb 13 July 1965 vol 716 cc253-4
4. Mr. Peter Mills

asked the Minister of Power what proposals have now been put to him by the Central Electricity Generating Board for sanctioning its new hydraulic power station at Bucks Mill, North Devon.

Mr. John Morris

None, Sir.

Mr. Mills

Will the Minister bear in mind that that is a very disappointing Answer? We are looking forward to this project very much in North Devon. When it does come down there, as I hope it will, will he pay particular attention to the disposal of the waste product from this project, and instead of dumping it into the sea consider using it to make a permanent breakwater for that coast, which will be a tremendous benefit for the district?

Mr. Morris

On the first part of the supplementary question, what I intended to say was that no proposals had been made. The C.E.G.B. announced in July, 1964, that it was carrying out exploratory surveys at two sites. The Board's investigations are continuing but it is not ready to put forward any proposals. As for the second part of the supplementary question, I understand that the hon. Gentleman has been discussing this matter with the Board and also that there are real technical difficulties arising from the suggestion put before the House just now, first relating to cost and, secondly, because the excavated material may be too small without some concrete buttressing or protection to do the work he indicates. I have told him that no decision has been made on this matter.

Mr. Scott-Hopkins

When is this to be expected? It is an important matter for the West Country. It has been dragging on for so long and we should like to know when it will be decided.

Mr. Morris

I have nothing to add to what I said earlier, namely, that the Board's investigations are continuing. This announcement was made as late as July, 1964.