HC Deb 12 July 1965 vol 716 cc4-5
2. Mr. Newens

asked the Minister of Pensions and National Insurance when the last review was made of the incidence of painful elbow conditions in occupations involving manual labour; and if she will set up an inquiry into this matter in order to determine whether any of these conditions should be reclassified as prescribed industrial diseases.

Miss Herbison

The condition known as "beat elbow", due to severe or prolonged external friction or pressure, is already prescribed. My Department keeps under continual review evidence about further possible additions to the schedule of prescribed diseases, but on present evidence no other elbow conditions satisfy the conditions for prescription. In the circumstances, I do not think that an inquiry would be appropriate.

Mr. Newens

Does my right hon. Friend recall that on 7th February, 1958, the Industrial Injuries Advisory Council recommended in its report that an inquiry should be made into the incidence of the condition known as tennis elbow among manual workers? As this disease often occurs and medical opinion is divided on whether it is connected with occupations or not, will my right hon. Friend now see that there is at least in this particular instance a new review or inquiry forthwith?

Miss Herbison

My hon. Friend may be aware that, as a result of the examination by the Industrial Injuries Advisory Council at that time, every effort was made to find evidence that would help it to come to a decision; but my information is that no evidence whatever of a prima facie risk has yet been produced from any quarter. If such evidence should be forthcoming, for this disease or for any other, the Industrial Injuries Advisory Council would be very happy to have the whole question examined.