HC Deb 20 January 1965 vol 705 cc189-90
32. Mr. Shepherd

asked the Minister of Transport what further consideration he has given to the banning of lorries from the fast track on the M.1; and whether he will bring in the necessary regulations.

Mr. Swingler

We are taking a fresh look at this problem in consultation with the police.

Mr. Shepherd

Will the Government consider this matter quickly, since many of us feel that this question has been delayed for far too long and that the sensible thing would be to restrict heavy lorries from the fast lane?

Mr. Swingler

We appreciate the problem, but one of the difficulties is that it does not affect only heavy lorries. Other slow-moving vehicles use the fast lane. The hon. Gentleman is probably aware that last year a leaflet entitled Motorway Manners was issued by the Ministry of Transport giving guidance on the problem. The matter will be considered urgently by the Traffic Committee of the Chief Constables Conference, and when we have that Committee's advice we will consider it rapidly.