HC Deb 17 February 1965 vol 706 cc1178-9
22. Dr. Miller

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will investigate the causes of delay in commencing building operations in the Anderston Cross redevelopment area of Kelvingrove; and if he will take steps to ensure that the housing element of the scheme is proceeded with without further delay.

Mr. Ross

I am glad to say that work on the first development of 117 houses will start at the beginning of March.

Dr. Miller

I thank my right hon. Friend for his reply. Is he aware that Glasgow Corporation gave approval to the full, detailed plans for this comprehensive development area in June, 1959, and due to the procrastination of the last Administration in this respect, during which they permitted vested interests to delay the beginning of this scheme, almost six years have gone by—[HON. MEMBERS: "Speech."]—and not one brick has been laid? Would he ensure that in the future, when schemes of this type are approved by corporations such as Glasgow Corporation, delaying tactics, such as were used by individuals in this case, are not permitted to thwart the rights of people—[HON. MEMBERS: "Speech."]—who must expect that their elected representatives do as they are asked to do?

Mr. Ross

I can well appreciate the frustrations of the hon. Gentleman who had to cope with this as a local councilor in this area and now has to do so as Member of Parliament for this district, but I think he will be the first to appreciate the gigantic nature of the task to be undertaken here, where a whole area has to be comprehensively cleared to be redeveloped from both the housing point of view and that of new industry. It does mean a tremendous task of compulsory purchase. It has been revised and changed, and as a matter of fact, 3,300 houses have had to be cleared, meaning the rehousing of more than 11,000 people, and not all, of course, in the same area again. We cannot override all the rights of individuals here. It is a complicated and a long task, but I can give the hon. Member an assurance that in future schemes we shall try as far as possible to speed matters up to ensure that we deal as quickly as possible with the housing problem of Glasgow or of any other area.