HC Deb 08 February 1965 vol 706 cc1-2
Mr. Speaker

I have to acquaint the House that I have received a copy of a resolution passed by the Senate of Oklahoma with the concurrence of the House of Representatives, expressing their profound sorrow upon the death of Sir Winston Churchill. I will have this placed in the Library for inspection by hon. Members.

I have also received a message expressing sorrow and sympathy from the National Assembly of Togoland and its President, the text of which I will have printed in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the message:

à Monsieur le Speaker de la Chambre des Communes, Londres.

Deeply grieved at the announcement of the passing of the great statesman Sir Winston Churchill. I wish to offer, on my own behalf and that of the National Assembly of the Republic of Togo, our sorrowful condolences.

The cruel loss suffered today by your country strikes an especially deep chord of sympathy in the Parliament of Togo.

Please accept, Mr. Speaker, this assurance of our great sadness.


President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Togo.