HC Deb 02 February 1965 vol 705 cc872-4
13. Mr. Shepherd

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government if he is aware of the dissatisfaction caused by the failure of local authority and private housing estates to provide areas to be set aside for children's play; and if he will take steps in respect of estates of appropriate size to make this obligatory.

Mr. MacColl

Adequate provisions for children's play space is important and the Department has issued advice on how provision can best be made. My right hon. Friend does not, however, think it would be sensible to make provision obligatory.

Mr. Shepherd

If it is the case that these recommendations are not being adhered to, and that highly unsatisfactory situations are being created, why does not the Parliamentary Secretary think it advisable to take more specific action?

Mr. MacColl

I am a little surprised at the number of occasions upon which my right hon. Friend is being pressed to order local councils what to do. It seems to me that in good local government the proper thing to do is to give them standards and advise them and encourage them to achieve those standards. That is what my right hon. Friend is doing. The exact relationship of play space and housing varies enormously from place to place.

Mr. Snow

Is my hon. Friend aware that this problem is a developing problem in the rural areas, where there has been, in recent years, a very great increase in heavy motor traffic through small villages? Some of these villages are extremely dangerous. Would he consider issuing a circular to local authorities, possibly at county level also, to see whether they could not examine the machinery by which consideration of play areas and the putting into effect of playgrounds could be speeded up?

Mr. MacColl

"Homes For Today and Tomorrow" recommended a standard for assessing play spaces but my right hon. Friend does not regard that as the last word. We are watching the position and we shall try to improve the standard of provision by advice whenever we can. I do not think that the time is yet ripe for any sort of directive or compulsion.

Mr. Shepherd

Is it not a fact that this shortcoming applies to private housing estates as well, and have local authorities no power to compel a private housing estate to provide the necessary playing facilities?

Mr. MacColl

The local planning authority could make this a condition of giving planning permission.