HC Deb 20 December 1965 vol 722 cc1655-6
1. Mr. William Hamilton

asked the Minister of Land and Natural Resources if he will give an assurance that educational trusts will not be excluded from his proposed legislation dealing with leasehold reform.

The Minister of Land and Natural Resources (Mr. Frederick Wiley)

I must ask my hon. Friend to await announcement of the Government's proposals.

Mr. Hamilton

Can my right hon. Friend saw whether it is the Government's intention to issue a White Paper before the Bill is presented to Parliament and whether we might have an opportunity to debate that White Paper? Will my right hon. Friend give an assurance that there will be very few exemptions, such as the one which I have indicated in the Question, since otherwise there might be trouble from this side of the House?

Mr. Willey

I am aware of my hon. Friend's views, but he must await an announcement by the Government. The question of a debate is not for me, but I can say that it is hoped to issue a White Paper early in the new year.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

While dissenting from the desire of the hon. Member for Fife, West (Mr. William Hamilton) to discriminate against education, may I ask the right hon. Gentleman to give serious consideration to the suggestion which the hon. Member has made that there should be a reasonable interval between any White Paper and legislation so that there may be an opportunity for debate?

Mr. Willey

That is certainly a matter which I will bear in mind. As I have said, the question of a debate is not for me.

11. Mrs. Thatcher

asked the Minister of Land and Natural Resources when he expects to publish the Bill dealing with leasehold enfranchisement.

Mr. Willey

It will be in this Session, but I cannot yet give a date.

Mrs. Thatcher

If the Minister cannot give a date, will he consider making a statement shortly about who will be able to purchase the leasehold and at what price, because it is over a year since the original announcement was made?

Mr. Willey

Yes. As I have already assured the House, the Government will issue a White Paper early in the New Year.

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