HC Deb 15 December 1965 vol 722 cc1257-8
9. Mr. Howe

asked the Postmaster-General what proportion of prospective outward trunk calls from Birkenhead encounter the Circuits Engaged announcement; how this compares with the comparable proportion when subscriber trunk dialling was first introduced in Birkenhead; how it compares with the comparable proportion on other subscriber trunk dialling exchanges; what steps he is taking to ensure the availability of sufficient trunk lines to cope with peak demand for outgoing trunk calls from Birkenhead; when such steps will be effective; upon what assumed growth rate of trunk traffic he bases his assessment of the adequacy of such steps; and what has been the actual comparable rate of growth since the introduction of subscriber trunk dialling in Birkenhead.

Mr. Benn

As the Answer to this long Question is also rather long, I will circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Howe

Can the right hon. Gentleman, whose difficulties I appreciate, give me any indication when reconsidering my Question of whether the proportion of calls being met by the engaged recorded answer is continuing to rise and is still well above the national average or the national target figure?

Mr. Benn

The average percentage of outward trunk calls encountering the engaged announcement this year in Birkenhead has been 3 per cent., but there was an upsurge in October, when the figure reached 5.7 per cent. The national average this year is 2.5 per cent., but at the time STD was introduced in Birkenhead, it was 3.9 per cent. We are catering for an increase in trunk traffic of 17 per cent. a year, at compound interest, compared with only 13 per cent. since the time that STD was introduced.

Following is the Answer:

The average percentage of outward trunk calls from Birkenhead which have encountered the circuit engaged announcement so far this year has been about 3 per cent.; there was, however, an upsurge of calls in October when the figure reached 5.7 per cent. These figures compare with 3.9 per cent, when STD was first introduced at Birkenhead; and with an average nationally so far this year of about 2.5 per cent. Provision of additional circuits which should improve the service from Birkenhead is in hand and should be completed early in 1966. I am currently planning for an increase in trunk calls from Birkenhead of about 17 per cent. per annum; actual growth since STD was introduced has been about 13 per cent. per annum.