HC Deb 04 August 1965 vol 717 cc1669-70
6. Mr. Newens

asked the Minister of Aviation if he will make a statement on the extent to which Harlow will be affected by aircraft noise if the proposals to build a third London airport at Stansted are proceeded with.

Mr. Stonehouse

My Department has undertaken to give the local authorities concerned—well in advance of the public inquiry—the best available information about the likely noise caused by Stansted in the event of its development as the third London Airport. As this information is still being prepared I am not yet able to say to what extent Harlow will be affected.

Mr. Newens

Is my hon. Friend aware that a large and increasing population, particularly if Harlow Town is expanded, will be subjected to the effects of aircraft noise if the proposal to create London's third airport is proceeded with at Stansted? Will he see that this factor is given ail due weight, along with other factors, in determining the location of this third airport, because a large number of local people think that it is very poor planning to create a problem which has given rise to so much trouble elsewhere?

Mr. Stonehouse

It is too soon to say exactly how this will affect Harlow, but we are extremely well aware of the points which have been raised, and during the inquiry these will certainly be borne in mind.

Mr. Lagden

Is the Minister having consultations with his right hon. Friend the Minister of Transport with regard to the possible traffic bottleneck that may arise in east and central London should Stansted Airport grow to the extent that we all hope it may?

Mr. Stonehouse

Yes, we are in touch with the Ministry of Transport on the question of the co-ordination of transport between the main airports, and certainly if Stansted is developed this will be very much in our minds.

Mr. A. Royle

Can the Minister give an assurance that he will press ahead as quickly as possible in the establishment of Stansted Airport, in order that the pressure of aircraft noise does not all rest on my constituency of Richmond, but is shared by some of the people living elsewhere?

Mr. Stonehouse

We are anxious to develop the third airport—when it is required—in the best place, but I certainly do not wish to anticipate the results of the inquiry which will be held at the end of this year.

Mr. Marten

I was about to ask when the inquiry was to be held.

Mr. Stonehouse

It will be held at the end of this year.