HC Deb 28 April 1965 vol 711 c430
5. Mr. Tuck

asked the Minister of Transport if he will seek powers to amend Section 203 of the Road Traffic Act, 1960, so as to require drivers of vehicles to be insured against injury to their own passengers as well as third parties.

Mr. Swingler

A passenger injured as a result of the negligence of another driver is already covered by that driver's insurance. As regards drivers' liabilities towards their own passengers, I would refer my hon. Friend to my right hon. Friend's reply to the hon. and learned Member for Bebington (Mr. Howe) on 24th February.

Mr. Tuck

Is my hon. Friend aware that, in the present state of the law, many passengers who are gravely injured—particularly those on motor cycles and in hired cars—find themselves entirely without compensation, except by an action against some impecunious driver? Will my hon. Friend take steps to remedy the situation?

Mr. Swingler

I am aware that there is a problem here. It was posed to Parliament by the Bill brought forward by my hon. Friend the Member for Loughborough (Mr. Cronin) in 1961, which proved then that certain complex issues were involved, especially in regard to the drivers of vehicles which did not normally carry passengers. Further studies of the problem are going on and I hope that we shall be able to make an announcement fairly soon.

Sir Knox Cunningham

Could the hon. Gentleman say what the percentage increase in premiums would be in order to carry out this suggestion?

Mr. Swingler

Not without notice, but if the hon. and learned Member will give me notice, I will endeavour to give him an answer.