HC Deb 28 April 1965 vol 711 c424
18. Mr. G. Johnson Smith

asked the Minister of Transport, in coming to a decision about the closing of the EridgeHailsham passenger service, what estimate he made of the cost of establishing and running, respectively, a non-token system on that section of the line as proposed by the East Sussex Travellers' Association.

Mr. Swingler

Our examination of the Association's proposals showed that their cost would have been substantially greater than the Association suggested.

Mr. Johnson Smith

If the hon. Gentleman has no exact figures of the cost of the system, how can he possibly arrive at the conclusion to close the line? Is he not aware that this system has been used successfully in Switzerland and Malaysia? Would he please have another look at it?

Mr. Swingler

The proposal made by the Association for light railway operation is quite different. My right hon. Friend's decision was based on the existing usage of the line. But, of course, it is open to any organisation to negotiate with the Railways Board to acquire the line and apply to my right hon. Friend for a light railway order. I do not wish to say anything further, except that my right hon. Friend will be quite prepared to consider any such scheme which is put forward.