HC Deb 14 April 1965 vol 710 cc1392-3
25. Mr. Stodart

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what other public appointments are held by the Chairman of the Herring Industry Board.

Mr. Willis

The Chairman of the Board is also Vice-Chairman of the Scottish Economic Planning Council and a member of the British Productivity Council, the National Council for Employment of the Disabled, and the Glasgow (Springburn) Local Employment Committee.

Mr. Stodart

Is not the vicechairmanship of the new Economic Council of such importance as to demand a great deal of Mr. Middleton's time? If it was considered to be so essential by his right hon. Friend to make this change, was there no alternative appointment among competent people who are supporters of the Labour Party in Scotland?

Mr. Willis

The job of the Vice-Chairman of the Scottish Economic Council is not a full-time one. Neither is the job of the Chairman of the Herring Industry Board. It is calculated that the chairmanship of the Herring Industry Board takes up approximately twoand-a-half days a week, which leaves Mr. Middleton with the remainder of the week in which to perform his other various duties.

Mr. Hector Hughes

Is the Minister of State satisfied with having in this very important office a man of vast experience, with no other paid appointments, who can devote his whole time to the work of the Herring Industry Board, in contrast with his predecessor in that job, and how does his record compare with that of his predecessor in this office?

Mr. Willis

His predecessor was deputy chairman of the Independent Television Authority, a member of the Scottish Gas Board and a director of Fisons Ltd. In contrast, the employments held by Mr. Middleton are all unpaid.

Hon. Members
