HC Deb 13 April 1965 vol 710 c1150
26. Sir R. Russell

asked the Minister of Overseas Development what was the cost of technical assistance in 1964–65 made available to developing countries in the form of professional consultancy services; and whether she will increase this amount in the coming year.

Mrs. Castle

Full details of expenditure in 1964–65 are not yet available. In the calendar year 1964 expenditure on professional consultancy services provided for developing countries was £179,000.

The money provided for technical assistance is not hypothecated in advance to any particular form of assistance. Expenditure on consultancy services in 1965–66 will depend upon the demand for these services, and the trend is for the demand and expenditure to increase.

Sir R. Russell

I thank the hon. Lady for her reply. Would she agree that this service is particularly valuable in that it helps these countries to help themselves if this professional advice is given? Will she do her best to extend it?

Mrs. Castle

This point was raised particularly with me during my recent visit to Pakistan and India, and I expressed a willingness to consider requests in this field.