HC Deb 13 April 1965 vol 710 cc1155-6
Q2. Sir Knox Cunningham

asked the Prime Minister what are the current instructions to Ministers regarding the writing of letters to newspapers on subjects within their responsibilities.

The Prime Minister

I would refer the hon. and learned Member to the Answer I gave to Questions by my hon. Friends the Members for Birmingham, Ladywood (Mr. Victor Yates) and Glasgow, Pollok (Mr. Garrow) on 9th March.

Sir Knox Cunningham

Would the right hon. Gentleman say if his attention has been drawn to the First Secretary's letter to The Times, when he was stung into replying to criticism of his policy in that newspaper? Would the right hon. Gentleman call on his marvellous memory—or possibly on notes prepared in his office—and give us a list of the occasions in previous Administrations on which Ministers have written to the Press about their own responsibilities when in office?

The Prime Minister

I am sorry that I have not got notes on the letter in question, but if it is the one of 22nd December to which the hon. and learned Gentleman is referring, I do happen to recall it. It was not that my right hon. Friend was stung into replying to any question about policy, it was in fact an attack on his integrity to which he replied. It has always been the policy for Ministers to have the right to do that. If the hon. and learned Gentleman wishes me to tax my memory further, I can remember some very powerful articles, and interviews, as well as letters, written on policy matters by right hon. Gentlemen opposite—a number, if I remember rightly, in the News of the World, though I think that the Daily Mail got a share of them as well.

Sir Knox Cunningham

Is not the right hon. Gentleman aware that the Minister of Education—

Mr. Speaker

Order. Mrs. Kerr.