HC Deb 06 April 1965 vol 710 c310

Motion made, and Question, 18. That chargeable gains, defined and computed in such manner as may be prescribed, from any description of property in the United Kingdom or elsewhere, including options, debts and incorporeal property generally, shall be charged to tax and—

  1. (a) the chargeable gains as so defined shall include gains accruing, or treated as accruing. at any time after 6th April 1965, and gains from property already held on or before that date, but subject to provisions designed in general to exclude from charge to tax gains or parts of gains attributable to periods before that date,
  2. (b) the provisions prescribing the manner in which chargeable gains are to be defined and computed may take account of dispositions, events, facts and circumstances before the said date, as well as later,
  3. (c) the provisions relating to tax on the chargeable gains—
    1. (i) may impose incidental or consequential charges to estate duty, and
    2. (ii) so far as designed in general to afford relief from the tax by reference to taxes or duties charged under the law of any country outside the United Kingdom, may impose any incidental charges to income tax or the profits tax.—[Mr. Callaghan.]

put and agreed to.