HC Deb 05 April 1965 vol 710 c14
14. Mr. Hastings

asked the Secretary of State for Defence what are the terms and conditions of service of his private Press adviser and consultant.

Mr. Healey

Mr. Pickering, whose task has been completed, was acting as a consultant. He will be paid a small honorarium.

Mr. Hastings

Is not the right hon. Gentleman aware that he already had a department of over 70 people dealing with public relations and Press relations in the Ministry at the time Mr. Pickering was appointed? Why is it necessary to have a private adviser, and, on top of that, for the public to pay for him? What was the reason for it? What did Mr. Pickering do if not advise on the personal image of the Minister himself and about leaks to Fleet Street on matters which should have been discussed first in the House of Commons?

Mr. Healey

The answer to the second part of the supplementary question is "No". The terms of reference for Mr. Pickering when he was doing this study were to review and report on the relations of the Ministry of Defence with Press, broadcasting, and other information media in the defence field. I think that the hon. Gentleman would agree that this is a matter of major importance if we are to obtain the necessary number of voluntary recruits for our Armed Services. After having a first look at Mr. Pickering's report, I am convinced that he has made very many valuable suggestions which will enable us to do even better in this field than we have been able to do in the past.