HC Deb 01 April 1965 vol 709 c1822
15. Mr. Dempsey

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what proposals he has for developing the health services in Colonial Territories in the next financial year.

The Secretary of State for the Colonies (Mr. Anthony Greenwood)

The development of health services is a matter to be considered in the context of the development plans of the Colonial Governments concerned, having regard to other priorities and to available financial resources. The British Government assists by means of continued Colonial Development and Welfare grants and by making available a wide range of technical assistance and the Colonial Office and Ministry of Overseas Development maintain close consultation with the territorial Governments about their plans.

Mr. Dempsey

Is my right hon. Friend aware that in some of these territories there is an inadequate supply of essential health services? Would he not agree that but for the excellent missionary work of church societies, even maternity services, a tuberculosis service and an infectious diseases service might be nonexistent in some territories? Can he say whether the aid he has in mind will assist these voluntary organisations in the excellent work they are doing for these people?

Mr. Greenwood

These organisations are, of course, doing admirable work in the territories where they are operating, and I appreciate that in many territories more could be done for the well-being of the population, but it is primarily for the Colonial Governments and Legislatures to decide the priority to be given to the further development of their health services, as distinct from other services and other requirements in their territory.