HC Deb 26 November 1964 vol 702 c1445
2. Mr. Abse

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the legal advice he was obtaining in connection with the trial for murder of Paul Gobine and Philibert Loizeau of the Seychelles and their subsequent conviction for manslaughter has now been received: and whether he will now establish an independent inquiry into the conduct of the police, counsel, and judiciary of the Seychelles in relation to the two trials of these men.

Mrs. White

It has been decided that this case should be referred to the new Court of Appeal to be set up in London to deal with appeals in criminal cases against judgments of the Supreme Court of Seychelles. Provision for the establishment of this court was made by Order in Council on 20th November last. At present there is no provision in the Seychelles laws, as there is here, enabling the Government to refer criminal cases to the Court of Appeal, but the necessary amendment will be made.

Mr. Abse

May I thank my hon. Friend for that reply, which, I do not doubt, will give comfort to many in the Seychelles and give greater confidence in the administration of justice there. Can my hon. Friend say whether there will be any local difficulties, administrative difficulties, which I gather are a prerequisite before this appellate tribunal can be established, and can she give me an undertaking that immediately on the establishment of that appellate jurisdiction this case will be referred to it?

Mrs. White

We do not anticipate any difficulties. We have had consultations with the authorities, and I think that my hon. Friend can be satisfied that what he desires will be done.