HC Deb 26 November 1964 vol 702 cc1446-7
4. Mr. Fisher

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether a harbour is to be built at Tristan da Cunha.

Mr. Greenwood

Mr. J. H. P. Hawtrey, Chief Civil Engineer of the Crown Agents, is at present visiting the island to report on the feasibility of constructing a harbour and to make detailed plans. A decision will be taken as soon as possible after his report has been received.

Mr. Fisher

In view of the rather special relationship between the Tristan islanders and this country because of their stay here, will the right hon. Gentleman give me an assurance that at any rate cash —I think that it is only about £100,000 —will not be a factor to prevent the building of this harbour, which would do a great deal to help the islanders and their fishing industry, on which, as the right hon. Gentleman knows, they so greatly depend? Will the fish factory which was destroyed by the volcano be rebuilt?

Mr. Greenwood

I know and appreciate the interest which the hon. Gentleman takes in the island. A sum of money has already been earmarked out of C.D. & W. funds, but we cannot absolutely commit ourselves until we know what Mr. Hawtrey's recommendations are and what sum is involved. Once the harbour facilities and adequate landing facilities are available, I understand that the South Atlantic Islands Development Corporation intends to develop the freezing plant which the hon. Gentleman has in mind.

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