HC Deb 19 November 1964 vol 702 c610
25. Mr. Shepherd

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will instruct the Boundary Commission to make a further review of Parliamentary constituencies.

Sir F. Soskice

Under the House of Commons (Redistribution of Seats) Act, 1958, the Boundary Commissions for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are required to submit their next reports on a general review of constituencies between November, 1964, and November, 1969. Within these limits it is for the Boundary Commissions to decide when to proceed. I have no authority to give instructions to the Commissions.

Mr. Shepherd

Is it not a fact that, due to the recent inactivity of the Commissions, many constituencies are now reaching abnormal size? Is it not essential that something should be done about this before the next General Election?

Sir F. Soskice

There have, of course, been substantial changes in constituencies, and I realise that there are disparities between them, but under the existing legislation this must be left to the Commissions.

Mr. Merlyn Rees

Is my right hon. and learned Friend aware that because extensive changes are now taking place inside some of our older industrial cities and more will take place in the next decade, if constituencies are redistributed on the facts of 1965 or 1966 these facts could themselves have changed within a couple of years and that it is the long-term changes that must be taken into account?

Sir F. Soskice

I am conscious of that and I agree with my hon. Friend.