HC Deb 18 November 1964 vol 702 c422
16. Mr. Channon

asked the Minister of Aviation what proposals he has for reducing aircraft noise near airports.

Mr. Stonehouse

The arrangements for restricting noise which are now in force will be continued, and I am considering what further steps are practicable. I am proposing to meet the municipal authorities around Heathrow Airport and the Heathrow Consultative Committee within the next few weeks.

Mr. Channon

When considering the problem of aircraft noise, which is mentioned in the Prime Minister's pledges, will the Parliamentary Secretary also consider aircraft noise near other airports and do what he can to alleviate the noise, which causes a great many people considerable hardship?

Mr. Stonehouse

Yes, we have that in mind. As the House knows, the responsibility for dealing with aircraft noise at Southend, for instance, is primarily a responsibility for the Southend Corporation, but at the Ministry we wish to do all we can to restrict this noise.

Sir H. Butcher

Would the hon. Gentleman indicate how much noise is made when promises are broken?

Mr. Stonehouse

It is the intention of my right hon. Friend and myself to reach the right decision in this matter. It will take us a few weeks to consider all the factors involved, and then we will bring a proposal before the House.

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