HC Deb 13 May 1964 vol 695 cc401-3
30. Mr. Godman Irvine

asked the Minister of Transport whether, in view of his policy of not agreeing to the closure of lines affecting holiday resorts before the end of the season, he will postpone the date for closure of the Bexhill West-Crowhurst railway until 1st October.

Mr. Galbraith

My right hon. Friend announced on 12th February that, where proposals for closure of passenger services to holiday resorts were published in the next few months, any consents which he might give would not take effect before 1st October. He also announced that, for closure proposals already published, he would bear in mind the possible effect on holiday travel arrangements this summer in making his decision.

The Bexhill West-Crowhurst proposal was published in June last, so that it fell to be dealt with on the latter basis. My right hon. Friend did consider whether there were any special grounds for deferring the date of closure but, since services to Bexhill Central from London and the South Coast will continue, he decided that he could not justify postponement.

Mr. Godman Irvine

Will not my hon. Friend have another look at the Minister's statement made on 3rd March to the effect that he had agreed with Dr. Beeching that railways which affected holiday resorts and whose closures were announced after 12th February would not be closed before 1st October? Is he not aware that the proposed closure has caused a great deal of consternation and annoyance and that the statement had been regarded as a pledge by the Minister that this closure would not take place until 1st October? Will not my hon. Friend have another look at the agreement?

Mr. Galbraith

There is obviously some misunderstanding. In that statement, my right hon. Friend referred to proposals published after 12th February, published for the first time, and not to closure proposals which were published before that date but on which he took his decision after that date. The case in which my hon. Friend is interested was published in June last year, although it is perfectly true that my right hon. Friend's decision was made after 12th February. I think that this is a matter of misinterpreting what my right hon. Friend said on 12th February.

Mr. Strauss

Is it not obvious that the Minister's policy in postponing closures of most of these seaside lines until after 1st October is directly related to the General Election and that people living in these areas and using these services can expect the implementation of a general closure policy before next year's season?

Mr. Galbraith

The right hon. Gentleman very well knows that it has absolutely nothing to do with the General Election. My right hon. Friend felt that where the proposal for closing a railway was announced after 12th February, it was fairly obvious that he would not be able to come to a decision until well on into the holiday season, and that it was therefore unfair that potential holidaymakers should be kept in suspense.

Mr. Godman Irvine

Will not my hon. Friend have another look at the announcement of 3rd March in which it is clearly said that the Minister had agreed with Dr. Beeching that railway closures affecting holiday resorts and published after 12th February would not come into effect until after the holiday period? That is perfectly clear. Will my hon. Friend have another look at it?

Mr. Galbraith

The whole point about this case is that it was published not after 12th February, but in June, last year, by Dr. Beeching. My right hon. Friend's decision was made after 12th February, but the proposal that this line should be closed was made last June. Perhaps I should also inform my hon. Friend that for holidaymakers there is a very good service between Bexhill Central, via St. Leonards, and London, so that holidaymakers can proceed to enjoy a good holiday in my hon. Friend's constituency.

Mr. Godman Irvine

On a point of order. In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I beg to give notice that I shall raise the matter on the Adjournment.