HC Deb 09 March 1964 vol 691 cc25-7
34. Mr. Dalyell

asked the Minister of Labour whether he will set up a working group with representatives from the employers, trade unions and further education to devise programmes suitable for branching teaching machines, with a view to submitting such programmes to relevant industrial training boards.

Mr. Godber

I share the hon. Gentleman's belief in the potential value of teaching machines. I do not think, however, that I should anticipate the views of the Central Training Council which I shall be setting up under the Act, and whose duty it will be to advise me on such matters.

Mr. Dalyell

Without wishing to be-labour one of the efficiency wallahs of my hon. Friend the Member for Salford, East (Mr. Frank Allaun), would the Minister send a delegation to the firm which I named in a private letter to him on 4th March?

Mr. Godlier

My Department is taking considerable interest in these matters. I will certainly take note of the firm the hon. Gentleman mentioned, and I reiterate my own interest in this matter.

35. Mr. Dalyell

asked the Minister of Labour how many branching teaching machines are installed in Government retraining centres.

Mr. Godber

None, Sir. But I appreciate the potentialities of these machines and my officers are studying their possible application to the types of instruction undertaken by my Ministry.

38. Mr. Prentice

asked the Minister of Labour what steps he is taking to stimulate the use of branching teaching machines, closed-circuit television and other new techniques in industrial training and whether he will organise a study of there techniques.

Mr. Godber

The Government are assisting a number of research projects into the use of new techniques of education and instruction and I shall certainly see that the results are brought to the attention of the Central Training Council and of training boards as seems appropriate.

Mr. Prentice

Is the right hon. Gentleman building up within his Ministry—or is it being done in the Ministry of Education—a system of continuing research into these techniques, so that the spread of industrial training can be aided at all stages by the latest developments of this kind?

Mr. Godber

The Ministry of Education is in close touch with developments in this field and is itself undertaking a number of research projects. In addition, the D.S.I.R. is supporting research projects at Aberdeen University, Enfield College of Technology and Sheffield University. There is a considerable amount going on and we are keeping in the closest touch with it.

Mr. Dalyell

Does not the right hon. Gentleman agree that the problem is to find a sufficient market to make it worth the while of firms to carry out these developments?

Mr. Godber

I should be glad to look at any comments the hon. Gentleman cares to make in relation to that.