HC Deb 09 March 1964 vol 691 cc29-30
36. Mr. W. Hamilton

asked the Minister of Labour how many boys and girls in Scotland under 18 years of age have been unemployed for longer than eight weeks; what are the comparable figures for each of the other regions; and what are the similar figures for 1952.

Mr. Godber

As the reply consists of a number of figures, I will, with permission, circulate a table in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Hamilton

With reference to the purely Scottish figures, will the Minster say whether, judged by the figure for 1952 and the current figure, the Government are satisfied that they have now got a solution to the problem? Are not these figures a tragic commentary on our failure so to organise society as to ensure employment for these young people? Is it not a disgrace that so many thousands of them are unemployed and have been unemployed over the years? Virtually no impact has been made on the solution of this problem by any policy proposed so far by the Government.

Mr. Godber

The hon. Gentleman will be able to see the figures. The table shows that 2,596 young people in Scotland have been unemployed for over eight weeks at present. This is substantially more than the figure for 1952. Nevertheless, it must be recognised that no fewer than 40,000 young people have entered first employment in Scotland since last August. Despite this, the number of vacancies there is higher now than it was then. The position is improving in these areas and, although it has been unsatisfactory, I am hopeful that it will improve further.

Lord Dalkeith

When my right hon. Friend circulates the information in the OFFICIAL REPORT, will he give the figures for 1947?

Mr. Godber

I am afraid that is another question. If my hon. Friend would table a Question to that effect, I should be very happy to comply with his request.

Mr. Hamilton

Will the right hon. Gentleman seek to circulate that figure, in deference to the noble Lord's request? Is not the Minister aware that that figure will bear out what I said in my earlier supplementary question? Has the gap between the Scottish figure and the figure for the other regions worsened or improved since 1952?

Mr. Godber

Much as I sympathise with the degree of understanding between the two sides of the House on this, I am afraid that I cannot circulate that figure now. This Question will have to go forward on the present information but another Question can be tabled asking for that figure. The hon. Gentleman should study the figures when he sees them. It is difficult at random to say precisely how percentages vary ever the years.

Following is the information:

Region February, 1964
Boys Girls
Scotland 1,623 973
London and South Eastern 142 126
Eastern and Southern 160 188
South western 129 255
Midlands 126 134
Yorks and Lincs 193 200
North Western 574 332
Northern 1,165 684
Wales 307 422