HC Deb 04 March 1964 vol 690 c1277
1. Commander Kerans

asked the Civil Lord of the Admiralty how many applicants there were to the Careers Office, Royal Navy, at West Hartlepool, in 1963; and how many of these finally entered the Royal Navy or Royal Marines.

The Civil Lord of the Admiralty (Mr. John Hay)

Five hundred and thirty-seven and 210 respectively.

Commander Kerans

I am grateful to my hon. Friend for giving those figures. Can he increase the advertising in the north-east area? This careers office serves a very wide area in the North and very few people know that it exists in West Hartlepool. Will he do all he can to advertise its existence in the area?

Mr. Hay

Yes. Any advertising for recruiting purposes is directed to local areas through the media of local newspapers. I do not know about the careers office in West Hartlepool, but I will certainly see if anything can be done to improve the situation there.

Mr. Willis

Is there still a plentiful supply of men offering themselves for the Royal Marines?

Mr. Hay
