HC Deb 03 March 1964 vol 690 cc1118-9
17. Mr. Sydney Irving

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs how much money has now been lent to co-operative housing associations of the £25 million set aside for this purpose by Section 7 of the Housing Act, 1961; how many schemes are involved; and how many projects still await his final consideration.

Mr. Corfield

I know at present of six schemes intended to provide housing on a co-ownership basis, which will look for assistance under Section 7 of the Housing Act 1961. £43,681 has been advanced to two of the associations concerned to cover the purchase of land. As building contracts have not been let for any of these schemes, none can be said to be finally settled.

The experience gained on these pilot schemes will help the proposed Housing Corporation to foster co-ownership schemes on a very much greater scale.

Mr. Irving

Is not this a disappointingly slow rate of progress for three years? Has the hon. Gentleman no other suggestion to offer about the way he can help people to become members of a co-operative housing association?


The whole idea of the £25 million allocated under Section 7 of the Housing Act, 1961, was to produce pilot schemes on which the provisions of the present Bill are being founded.