HC Deb 25 June 1964 vol 697 cc613-4
24. Mr. Swingler

asked the Secretary for Technical Co-operation to what extent the Low-Priced Books Scheme is now operating in West and East Africa; and what proposals are being considered for the extension of the scheme to include books suitable for educational institutions below university level, especially in the field of technical education.

Mr. Carr

The university textbooks series is available to 32 African countries. This series now includes technical and other textbooks suitable for use in technical colleges. I hope it may be possible to include other kinds of books for Africa at a later date.

Mr. Swingler

Can the Minister say a little more about that last sentence? Is he not aware that there is an urgent need for the provision of books at secondary and primary level? Can he forecast what will be done to extend this admirable scheme to include textbooks at all levels of education?

Mr. Carr

I think we must take it stage by stage. These books have been available now in West Africa for a year and East Africa for two months. It was the wish, I think, of those Governments as much as of ourselves that in the first place we should concentrate on the university and technical college level. Let us get going on that first.

Mr. Pavitt

Has the right hon. Gentleman done anything to encourage local authorities to send to under-developed countries books which they would normaly send to be pulped when no longer used for education, as has been done by Willesden with Sierra Leone?

Mr. Carr

I am most grateful to the hon. Member. It is the first I have heard of this idea, and I shall look into it.

30. Mr. Mayhew

asked the Secretary for Technical Co-operation if he will extend the cheap books scheme to Latin America.

Mr. Carr

Preliminary studies are at present being made of the problems involved and no decision can be taken until they are completed. Moreover the co-operation of British publishers would, of course, be essential, and consultations with them cannot usefully begin until our studies have shown the type of scheme required.

Mr. Mayhew

Is the Minister aware that it is good news that at least a study is being made of this, but is he aware that the extension of this scheme to a number of Latin-American countries would be extremely welcome, and can we have an assurance that a decision is taken before his term of office expires?

Mr. Carr

Well, it would be rather presumptuous of me to say anything about that, but we have not been doing too badly and have extended the scheme to no fewer than 32 countries in the last year.