HC Deb 24 June 1964 vol 697 c579

Amendment made: In page 61, line 44, leave out from "the" to end of line and insert: coming into operation of that order".—[Mr. D. Price.]

Mr. D. Price

I beg to move, in page 61, line 44, at the end to insert: (2) In relation to any such agreement as is mentioned in the preceding sub-paragraph, whether made before, on or after the date on which the Order comes into operation,— (a) section (Notice of hirer's default) of this Act shall apply, except in the case of a default committed before that date. This Amendment relates to hire-purchase or conditional sale agreements which may be brought within the scope of the 1938 Act in future by an Order in Council made under Clause 1(3) of the Bill. It provides that the provisions of the new Clause dealing with notice of hirer's default shall apply to all such agreements immediately, including those concluded before that date, but not where the default was committed before that date. In other words, and briefly, this is a transitional arrangement for notice of hirer's default.

Amendment agreed to.