§ 22. Mr. Hector Hughesasked the Secretary of State for Industry, Trade and Regional Development if he will publish figures relating to the progress so far made in each region in implementing his plans for achieving a more even spread of economic activity throughout the country.
§ Mr. HeathThe steady reduction in unemployment throughout the country is evidence of the increasing success of the Government's economic and regional policies. I have just made a statement about the present position in the North-East in answer to the right hon. Member for Easington (Mr. Shinwell). Where Central Scotland is concerned, my right hon. Friend has already told the House that a full progress report will be published in the autumn. Meanwhile, I can 1471 tell the hon. and learned Member that 79 I.D.C.'s, involving some 5,500 jobs, have been issued in the first 5 months of this year. Comparative figures for last year were 57 and 3,800.
§ Mr. HughesDoes the right hon. Gentleman realise that my Question comes appropriately after the Question by my right hon. Friend the Member for Easington (Mr. Shinwell)? Is he aware that the Government have made plans for the north-east of England and are apparently under the impression that this island ends at the River Tweed, because they have made no plans for north-east Scotland? Will the right hon. Gentleman look into that, because trade, industry and employment are required in north-east Scotland?
§ Mr. HeathAs the hon. and learned Gentleman knows, there are two further studies now proceeding in Scotland under the Scottish Development Department, and I hope that they will be of assistance to him.
§ Mr. ManuelCan the right hon. Gentleman indicate what stage has been reached in the surveys for the whole area, especially with reference to the provision of more schools and locations for industry, roads and communications? Is he aware that I understood from the Answer to a Question which I put a short time ago to the Scottish Office that no progress was being made?
§ Mr. HeathI said that the full progress report for which the hon. and learned Gentleman asked will be published by the Secretary of State in the autumn.