HC Deb 17 June 1964 vol 696 cc1258-9
5. Mr. Brewis

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland when there will be a uniform set of building regulations in force in Scotland to guide those concerned with the construction of new buildings.

Mr. Noble

A comprehensive and uniform set of building standards regulations came into operation on Monday, 15th June, and the Building (Scotland) Act, 1959, as a whole also came into operation that day. I hope that this code will prove of great benefit to all concerned in the building industry and to all its clients.

Mr. Brewis

Is it not the case that, with the promulgation of these regulations, Scotland is ahead of both England and Wales? Could my right hon. Friend say what provision there is for altering these regulations in respect of new and improved methods of building in future?

Mr. Noble

It is true that Scotland is ahead of England and Wales at the moment. My right hon. Friend the Minister of Public Building and Works has just announced his intention of introducing legislation modernising building control in those countries. I think that both he and I are alive to the fact that, where possible, as suggested by the Ban-well and McEwan Younger Committees, these regulations should be dovetailed together. In answer to the second part of my hon. Friend's supplementary question, I agree that at no given moment will any set of building regulations necessarily be the last word. We shall watch the position, and if there is need for changes we will make them.

Mr. Ross

Surely these are the building regulations which came before the House on a Prayer a short time ago when the hon. Gentleman was not sufficiently interested to be here. Were not these the regulations in respect of which his Department earned a rebuke from the Select Committee on Statutory Instruments for irregularities?

Mr. Noble

That may well be true. I cannot say whether my hon. Friend was here or not. I think that there are very few people in the House or in Scotland who are not pleased that we are going forward and are ahead of England and Wales in this respect.