HC Deb 10 June 1964 vol 696 cc494-5

6.2 p.m.

Whereupon The GENTLEMAN-USHER OF THE BLACK ROD being come with a Message, The CHAIRMAN left the Chair.

Mr. SPEAKER resumed the Chair.

Message to attend the Lords Commissioners;

The House went:and, having returned;

Mr. SPEAKER reported the Royal Assent to:

  1. 1. Elections (Welsh Forms) Act, 1964.
  2. 2. National Health Service (Hospital Boards) Act, 1964.
  3. 3. Burgh Police (Amendment) (Scotland) Act, 1964.
  4. 4. Criminal Procedure (Right of Reply) Act, 1964.
  5. 5. Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Act, 1964.
  6. 6. Dangerous Drugs Act, 1964.
  7. 7. Income Tax Management Act, 1964.
  8. 8. Emergency Powers Act, 1964.
  9. 9. Protection of Animals (Anaesthetics) Act, 1964.
  10. 495
  11. 10. Harbours Act, 1964.
  12. 11. Succession (Scotland) Act, 1964.
  13. 12. Administration of Justice Act, 1964.
  14. 13. Criminal Appeal Act, 1964.
  15. 14. Nurses Act, 1964.
  16. 15. Road Traffic Act, 1964.
  17. 16. Malawi Independence Act, 1964.
  18. 17. Merchant Shipping Act, 1964.
  19. 18. Police Act, 1964.
  20. 19. Macduff Harbour Order Confirmation Act, 1964.
  21. 20. Chichester Rural District Council Act, 1964.
  22. 21. Life Association of Scotland Limited Act, 1964.
  23. 22. Chapel Street Congregation Church (Southport) Burial Ground Act, 1964.
  24. 23. Harwich Harbour Act, 1964.
  25. 24. Cheshire Brine Pumping (Compensation for Subsidence) Act, 1964.
  26. 25. Newcastle-under-Lyme Corporation Act, 1964.
  27. 26. Stafford Corporation Act, 1964.
  28. 27. Saint John's Church, Smith Square Act, 1964.
  29. 28. Barry Corporation Act, 1964.
  30. 29. Elim Church Moor Lane Bolton Burial Ground Act, 1964.
  31. 30. British Railways Act, 1964.
  32. 31. Tees Conservancy Act, 1964.
  33. 32. Preston Corporation Act, 1964.

And to the following Measure passed tinder the provision of the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act, 1919:

Clergy (Ordination and Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure, 1964.

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