HC Deb 09 June 1964 vol 696 cc225-6
16. Mr. Watkins

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs whether he will make a statement on Her Majesty's Government's policy on the Report of the Committee on Depopulation in Mid-Wales.

20. Mr. Hooson

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs whether he accepts the findings of the Committee on Depopulation in Mid-Wales; and to what extent the policy of Her Majesty's Government will follow their recommendations.

Sir K. Joseph

May I first express my appreciation of the work done by Professor Beacham and other members of the Committee in preparing this detailed and valuable survey of the problems of Mid-Wales. I will be putting some detailed comments to the Association in the very near future and I will, of course, be keeping the House informed.

Mr. Watkins

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that those of us who come from Mid-Wales join in his appreciation of the work of the Committee? Can we expect a statement on the immediate and long-term policy of the Government before the end of the Session?

Sir K. Joseph

The hon. Gentleman had better wait until he sees the comments I shall be making before 18th June, which I shall be circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Hooson

The conclusion set out on page 28 of the Report says: The concluusion has been reached that further steps should be taken to strengthen the economy of mid-Wales ". Does the right hon. Gentleman accept that conclusion and intend to do something about it?

Sir K. Joseph

I would prefer to wait until I can give the chairman, members of the Committee and this House my full comments on the Report.

Mr. C. Hughes

Is it not the case that this is the latest of a series of reports on Mid-Wales, all of which have stressed the need for urgent Government action to revitalise the area and stem depopulation? Why does the right hon. Gentleman need more time before he can make a statement on this? He has had ample time to consider it. This Report has been in his hands for months. Why keep us waiting still longer?

Sir K. Joseph

Out of courtesy to the chairman and members of the Committee. They are having a meeting next week. Just before that meeting I am sending them my comments, which I intend, with permission, to circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

17. Mr. Watkins

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs whether he will publish either an abridged edition or an edition without the maps of the Report on Depopulation in Mid-Wales published recently, in view of the fact that the full Report costs 27s. 6d., so that the smaller local authorities and other bodies interested may buy copies for their members.

Sir K. Joseph

I shall be prepared to consider this if I find that there is evidence of sufficient public demand.

Mr. Watkins

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that an excellent report was published some years ago in an abridged form? What is to prevent him abridging this Report and giving a reply at once? There would then be savings on the cost of the Report in the lowest earning part of Britain.

Sir K. Joseph

Her Majesty's Stationery Office has produced an admirably printed report with carefully produced maps which Professor Beecham thought it necessary to publish. Until I think that an abridged version without maps is really needed I shall not take further action.