HC Deb 02 June 1964 vol 695 cc900-1
17. Mr. Snow

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that the continued slowness of postal deliveries in the Lichfield, Staffordshire, area, which has been the subject of previous complaints by the hon. Member for Lichfield and Tamworth, is causing inconvenience to both private and commercial interests; and why letters posted from Westminster by 10.30 a.m. are not delivered by first post the following day in Lichfield.

Mr. Mawby

I am sorry that staffing difficulties at Lichfield are still causing delay in the delivery of mail there. We are doing our best to overcome these.

Letters posted at Westminster by 10.30 a.m. should be delivered by first post the following day in Lichfield. If the hon. Member would let me have details of any cases of delay I should be glad to look into the matter.

Mr. Snow

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that I have already referred this to the Postmaster-General in the House of Commons? I did this as a test to corroborate the many complaints that I have received about this bad service. Does the hon. Gentleman appreciate that his Department, like certain other Government Departments, does not seem to understand the problems confronting the area because of its being an overspill receiving area, with a greatly increased population? Will he accept what is intended to be a constructive suggestion? Why cannot the mail for this area be sent on the express train which leaves London in the late afternoon and which would at any rate provide a delivery first thing in the morning, without any delay? Why must the mail go via Birmingham?

Mr. Mawby

I will consider this point, but it is important for the hon. Member to remember that this is a rapidly growing area, which makes it more difficult to recruit the right type of labour. This is one of our problems. Nevertheless, we are doing everything we can to put the matter right.

Mr. Snow

Pay them better, and you would get some more staff.

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