HC Deb 23 July 1964 vol 699 cc682-3
Q1. Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the Prime Minister if he will have an up-to-date White Paper published, containing the facts on the development of nuclear energy, the research carried out at the Manchester University, the Manchester College of Technology, the M. V. Trafford Park Research Department, the development of heavy water in Norway, the dates on which the results of the research were taken to the United States of America and the reasons why, details of the credit due to the individuals concerned, and the secret transactions that took place which resulted in the nuclear bomb being produced in the United States of America and later by the British Government.

The Prime Minister (Sir Alec Douglas-Home)

The first volume of a history of the United Kingdom atomic energy project under the title "Britain and Atomic Energy 1939–45" has been prepared by the Atomic Energy Authority's historian and archivist. It will be published in September and I am advised that most of the points mentioned in the Question will be dealt with in this volume.

Mr. Ellis Smith

While appreciating that reply from the Prime Minister, may I ask him whether he agrees with me that our export trade in the future will depend more upon scientific development and upon development in engineering than at any time in the past? Does he agree that there are thousands of excellent young men and women working in the laboratories to keep in the forefront of world development? If so, will he see that this history is circulated to them to encourage them in the good work they are doing?

The Prime Minister

Yes, Sir.