HC Deb 22 July 1964 vol 699 c478
35. Mr. Gourlay

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the bed deficiency which will obtain in Fife for the following categories on the completion of the second extension to Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy, namely, orthopaedic surgery, general surgery, general medicine, and medical paediatrics.

Mr. Stodart

The extent of any remaining deficiences will depend on decisions as to the use of other hospitals in Kirkcaldy. If it is possible to continue the Hunter hospital in use for orthopaedic and general surgery, the residual deficiency will be relatively slight.

Mr. Gourlay

In view of those figures, does not the Under-Secretary consider that it would be wiser to defer the decision on the existing orthopaedic hospital in Kirkcaldy until after the second extension of the Victoria Hospital is completed rather than to decide now to close the hospital, in view of the position which arises?

Mr. Stodart

As, I think the hon. Member knows, the question of the future of the Hunter Hospital and whether it is to remain is under urgent consideration between the hospital board and my Department.

Mr. Gourlay

I was referring to the orthopaedic hospital and not the Hunter.

Mr. Stodart

Yes, I meant the orthopaedic.