HC Deb 01 July 1964 vol 697 cc1328-30
31. Mr. Clive Bossom

asked the Minister of Transport when it is proposed to lay before Parliament the new traffic signs regulations implementing the Worboys Report and to publish the Traffic Signs and Markings Manual.

40. Sir J. Langford-Holt

asked the Minister of Transport what are the reasons for the delay in implementing his acceptance of the Report of the Worboys Committee.

Vice-Admiral Hughes Hallett

My right hon. Friend said on 2nd March in reply to the hon. Member for Romford (Mr. Ledger) that, because the necessary consultations with representative organisations were taking longer than expected, it was unlikely that the regulations to give effect to the recommendations of the Worboys Committee would be ready before September. Those recommendations were of a fundamental character and involve a change over to a completely new system of signs. Many of them too, were, of necessity, in broad terms which have to be developed to cover many points of detail. I cannot yet give a precise date for the laying of the regulations or the publication of the Manual, but work on both is proceeding as rapidly as possible.

Mr. Bossom

Is it not humanly possible to hurry this up? Could not my right hon. Friend the Minister bring in a crash programme, because local authorities and the sign manufacturers are marking time? In the meantime no signs are being replaced.

Vice-Admiral Hughes Hallett

No, Sir. A crash programme would be an unwise thing and, indeed, would lead to crashes of another kind. We are giving special authority for the erection of the new type of directional signs on new roads and where road improvements make this necessary. Other types of signs, though, cannot be introduced in advance of the release of widespread publicity as to their meaning. We are also giving consideration to permitting a go-ahead on the erection of directional signs on primary roads—that is, trunk roads and some Class I roads.

Mr. Gower

Is my hon. and gallant Friend quite satisfied that throughout the consideration of this matter enough has been done to achieve a large amount of uniformity, both in this country and with countries on the Continent, since so many of our motorists drive on the Continent now and so many Continental drivers come here?

Vice-Admiral Hughes Hallett

I again emphasise that that was the purpose of the recommendations made by the Worboys Committee.