HC Deb 01 July 1964 vol 697 cc1333-4
43. Mr. Awdry

asked the Minister of Transport whether he will expedite the construction of that part of the proposed M.4 motorway which will run from Liddington westwards to the Severn Bridge in view of the increased traffic congestion which will arise on Wiltshire roads as a result of the opening of the bridge.

86. Sir A. Hurd

asked the Minister of Transport whether he has now obtained from surveys all the information he requires to reach a conclusion on the line he will recommend for the M.4 motorway through Berkshire; and when he expects to make a detailed statement.

42. Mr. C. Morrison

asked the Minister of Transport when he intends to publish the draft scheme for the remaining section of the London to South Wales motorway M.4; and when construction work will begin.

Vice-Admiral Hughes Hallett

My right hon. Friend has now received the report of the consulting engineers who have surveyed the possible alternative routes between Maidenhead and the Gloucestershire boundary. It will take some time to study it and to consult the major local authorities and other interested parties. We do not expect to be able to publish a draft scheme before the autumn of this year at the earliest. It is unlikely that construction could begin for at least a further three years. We certainly wish to press on with this motorway and my right hon. Friend will consider whether it would be possible to give priority to the construction of the western section. But we cannot reach a decision on this point until we have completed our study of the report and the necessary consultations.

Mr. Awdry

Will my hon. and gallant Friend reach a conclusion as quickly as he can in view of the fact that the Wiltshire authorities are agreed among themselves where the road should run?

Vice-Admiral Hughes Hallett

We will certainly proceed as quickly as we can.

Sir A. Hurd

May I take it that the Ministry will resume consultations with the local authorities in Berkshire and Wiltshire, so far as that may be necessary, so that we may get a better meeting of minds than we have been able to achieve so far?

Vice-Admiral Hughes Hallett

Yes, Sir. That is what we hope to achieve.

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