HC Deb 29 January 1964 vol 688 cc358-9
30. Sir J. Gilmour

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how the yield of sugar per acre in the Cupar sugar beet factory area compares, over the last three years, with the rest of the United Kingdom factory areas.

Mr. Noble

The average sugar yield per acre in the Cupar factory area in the three years 1961 to 1963 was respectively 35.35, 33.75 and 27.08 cwt. The comparable average figures for all English factory areas were 45.01, 40.98 and 43.45 cwt. The lowest individual factory area yield was in England in 1961 and 1962 and in the Cupar area in 1963.

Sir J. Gilmour

Is my right hon. Friend aware that, in general, these figures tend to illustrate the lower return per acre which sugar beet growers are getting, and will he take this into consideration at the Price Review?

Mr. Bence

Will the Secretary of State give us an assurance that he will not show the same attitude to this lower production of sugar beet per acre in Scotland as he showed to the use of coal in Scotland?

31. Sir J. Gilmour

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what acreage of sugar beet for the 1964 crop has now been contracted with the Cupar factory of the British Sugar Corporation.

Mr. Noble

Offers from growers now total some 12,000 acres.

Sir J. Gilmour

In view of the considerable reduction on previous years which this figure shows—which I understand, is shared with other factory areas in England—will my right hon. Friend consult the Minister of Agriculture with a view to redressing this loss of acreage in this year's Price Review?

Mr. Noble

I think my hon. Friend is right. Probably the poor return last year has had some effect in diminishing the number of acres under the crop in Scotland. I shall have to consider with the Minister of Agriculture the best thing to do.

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