HC Deb 27 February 1964 vol 690 cc601-2
3. Mr. Wigg

asked the Secretary of State for Air why a memorandum reference 44/64, giving information about the Royal Air Force Anniversary Concert, 1964, was circulated in the Air Ministry under a restricted security heading.

Mr. H. Fraser

Hitherto staff memoranda have been regarded as part of a restricted series. I think this practice can be improved upon. In future each memorandum will be classified according to its content. I am grateful to the hon. Member for bringing this matter to my attention—and I almost feel like asking for the hon. Member to be invited to the concert.

Mr. Wigg

I would not mind coming to the concert if the right hon. Gentleman will get the Prime Minister to take the same action over the whole of the Civil Service and so get rid of this nonsense.

Mr. Fraser

This matter is always under review, and I can assure the hon. Gentleman that an improvement has been made.

Mr. Mulley

The whole House is indebted to my hon. Friend the Member for Dudley (Mr. Wigg) for his efforts, but can the right hon. Gentleman give an assurance that he will not only look at this series but at restrictions on security generally because of the growing feeling that this House and the country generally have been denied essential but not security matter on which to form a real judgment of defence policies?

Mr. Fraser

I am aware of the point the hon. Member has in mind and he may know that I have had a look at the matter at a higher level to see if we can make some improvement.