HC Deb 27 February 1964 vol 690 cc603-4
6. Mr. Mulley

asked the Secretary of State for Air what sum was expended on new aircraft and equipment for the Royal Air Force in the financial year 1959–64; what sum is proposed for this purpose for 1964–65; and what percentage of these sums has been allocated to Bomber Command, Fighter Command and Transport Command, respectively.

Mr. H. Fraser

Expenditure on new airframes, engines and major weapons for the years 1959–64, was approximately £510 million, of which some 43 per cent. was for Bomber Command, 28 per cent. for Fighter Command and 13 per cent. for Transport Command. Expenditure for 1964–65 is estimated at £64 million, of which the corresponding percentages are 17 per cent., 35 per cent., and 5 per cent. respectively.

Mr. Mulley

Does not the Secretary of State consider, looking back, that it would have been much better had a greater amount of the new aircraft expenditure been on Transport Command and rather less on Bomber Command, in view of the great strains now being placed on the mobility of air forces?

Mr. Fraser

No, Sir. I think that we have recently met all our mobility requirements—and that is perfectly true —but next year, 1965–66, we shall have the Belfast and the VC10 putting a heavy load on Transport Command finance.

Mr. McMaster

Is my right hon. Friend satisfied that he is planning far enough in advance to meet the needs of Transport Command?

Mr. Fraser

I am planning quite a way ahead, yes.