HC Deb 26 February 1964 vol 690 c406
15. Mr. Hector Hughes

asked the Postmaster-General how many public telephones in the City of Aberdeen are of the old 4d. type and of the new 3d. type, respectively; and when the conversion from the old to the new type will be completed.

Mr. Bevins

There are 212 public telephones in the City of Aberdeen and all have been fitted with the new type of coin box which takes threepenny pieces. The conversion was completed in April last year.

Mr. Hughes

Does the Postmaster-General realise that this diversity between one kind of box and another puts the public to a great deal of inconvenience through not being able to determine what kind of coin they will need on entering the box? Will he dissipate this inconvenience by plumping quickly for either one type of box or the other?

Mr. Bevins

If what the hon. and learned Gentleman has just said were true, it could lead to confusion. What I was trying very politely to indicate to him in my Answer was that all the public telephone boxes in Aberdeen are complete with the new coin boxes.