HC Deb 24 February 1964 vol 690 cc18-9
24. Mr. J. Silverman

asked the Minister of Health whether he will require children's hospitals only to use cot restrainers with the permission of the child's parents and, wherever possible, under the supervision of the child's parents and with the attendance of the mother as recommended by the Platt Report on the Welfare of Children in Hospital.

Mr. Barber

This would not be desirable, as hospital authorities are responsible for the safety of children in hospital, but I am taking advice on whether further guidance can be given on the use of restrainers.

Mr. Silverman

The Minister is to take further advice, but in view of the obviously dangerous and sometimes tragic consequences of the use of this method of restraint, is it not desirable that he should give further and stronger advice to the hospitals concerned? Also, will he consider dealing with the question of mothers being present and the question of the assent of the parents in view of the danger of using these restrainers?

Mr. Barber

I agree with the hon. Gentleman that these restrainers should be necessary only in exceptional circumstances, and I am considering whether we should give further advice.

As regards the admission to hospital of mothers with their children, many hospitals do this in an emergency, or when it is desirable for some particular reason. The trouble is that in some hospitals, indeed in many, facilities for normal admission are still inadequate. But, as I said in answer to an earlier Question this is something which we are considering at the present time and a building note will be issued.

Mr. Silverman

I hope that the right hon. Gentleman will bear in mind that it is precisely when hospitals are understaffed that this method of restraint is sometimes used, and that it is precisely where this understaffing exists that the greatest danger occurs. If mothers were admitted with their children, or were present at the time, that would minimise the danger.

Mr. Barber

Yes, Sir, but, as the hon. Gentleman realises, restrainers are occasionally needed for children suffering from some types of illness to protect them from injuring themselves. I have had no case brought to my attention where restrainers have been used because of a shortage of staff.