HC Deb 21 December 1964 vol 704 cc832-4
6. Sir H. Butcher

asked the Minister of Land and Natural Resources whether he is aware that as a result of uncertainty about Government policy both vendors and purchasers of land suitable for the building of residential houses are unable to formulate their policy; and whether he will give an assurance that the land required for the erection of at least 400,000 houses in 1965 is certain to be available.

Mr. Willey

I can assure the hon. Member that the Government will take whatever action is necessary to ensure that they achieve their housing policy.

Sir H. Butcher

Can the right hon. Gentleman give an assurance that there is land available for at least 400,000 houses during the year 1965?

Mr. Willey

The hon. Gentleman will be aware that we have watched the position carefully—[HON. MEMBERS: "Answer."]—and it appears to us that there is sufficient land available for the Government's programme.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

As Minister for Land and Natural Resources, can the right hon. Gentleman tell us what steps he is taking to secure that this vital supply is maintained?

Mr. Willey

Certainly. I am responsible for the proposals which are to be made in due course and I must satisfy myself that the land available for building houses is sufficient for the Government's purposes.

Mr. Corfield

Does the right hon. Gentleman not realise that this land cannot be regarded as available while developers are constantly under the threat that any land they may have in reserve may be acquired by the Land Commission when it comes into being?

Mr. Willey

I am satisfied that adequate quantities of land are in reserve.

13. Mr. Corfield

asked the Minister of Land and Natural Resources whether he is aware that in the interests of a steady economic construction programme it is vital for developers to maintain adequate reserves of building land; and if he will make a statement as to the Government's intentions with regard to such reserves.

Mr. Willey

Yes, Sir. This is very much in my mind, but I must ask the hon. Member to await the details of the legislation for the establishment of a Land Commission.

Mr. Corfield

Can the Minister not give some idea when these details will be available? He will be aware, no doubt, that unless developers can plan ahead they are bound to have increased costs, to the detriment of the ultimate purchasers of the houses?

Mr. Willey

As soon as possible; and I note the hon. Member's anxiety.