HC Deb 02 December 1964 vol 703 cc443-4
11. Mr. Peter Mills

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will bring back the special young cow subsidy, to encourage the production of more calves for beef rearing.

Mr. John Mackie

Any question of re-introducing a special young cow subsidy would be for consideration at the Annual Review. I do not propose to anticipate the Review by commenting at this stage. The hon. Member may however be interested to know that the September 1964 census for England and Wales showed that there were 117,000 more calves under one year old than a year before. Some 60 per cent. of these were male calves which can certainly be expected to be reared for beef.

Mr. Mills

In view of that Answer, will the Minister make a statement about how he proposes to increase the number of calves to meet the undoubted shortage of beef which will occur later?

Mr. Mackie

We can do a lot of things in 100 days, but producing a calf is not one of them. As I stated in my reply, this is a question for the Price Review, and any incentive would be given then. I cannot possibly anticipate the Review.

Mr. Soames

We appreciate perfectly that we cannot expect the hon. Gentleman to produce a calf in 100 days. Is he aware that, nevertheless, we do expect him to indicate whether he wishes to see calves produced at a greater rate in the future and if he does whether he is going to take action to bring that about?

Mr. Mackie

Naturally, we know that we could do with more beef in the country. We have been on the job only a month and if the right hon. Gentleman will give us time, we will give him an answer to his question.