HC Deb 30 April 1964 vol 694 cc564-7
6. Mr. P. Williams

asked the Secretary of State for Industry, Trade and Regional Development how many new jobs for males are in prospect in the North-East and in Sunderland, respectively.

Mr. du Cann

There are over 18,000 jobs in prospect for males in the North-East from new building and other projects known to the Board of Trade. Of these 2,100 are in the Sunderland, Pallion and Southwick Employment exchange areas.

7. Dame Irene Ward

asked the Secretary of State for Industry, Trade and Regional Development whether he will make a progress report on development and industry on the North-East coast.

The Secretary of State for Industry, Trade and Regional Development and President of the Board of Trade (Mr. Edward Heath)

I shall be making two visits to the North-East in the next few weeks. This will give me an opportunity to assess the progress made on the programme for the growth and development of the region and I shall report my conclusions to the House.

Dame Irene Ward

While being absolutely delighted to hear that my hon. Friend is coming to the North-East—which is quite unexpected so far as I am concerned—may I ask if he is aware what a great welcome he will get there from all sections of the community, in view of the fact that we all have our tails right up? Is he aware that the latest Report of the North-East Development Council, which no one can call a Tory-inspired council, contains most glowing reports of the progress that has been made? I hope that my right hon. Friend will take the opportunity to emphasise in no uncertain terms what has been done by this Government.

Mr. Heath

Yes. I am glad that our esteem for each other has expressed itself in this form.

Mr. Shinwell

When the right hon. Gentleman pays his visit to Peterlee—of which I have been informed and where he will be very welcome—and also to Durham, will he make inquiries about the industrial potential of the new town of Peterlee and about the persistent unemployment of miners in Durham County as a result of pit closures?

Mr. Heath

I shall certainly under-take to examine that particularly.

Mr. P. Williams

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the Answers to this Question and the previous one show that Government policies are beginning to work after the set-back in the shipbuilding industry in the last 12 months?

Mr. Dempsey

The last 12 years.

Mr. Williams

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the task which has to be carried out is one of partnership of management, unions and Government so as to restore the fibre and determination of the North-East to overcome its own problems and not for ever to blame other people?

Mr. Heath

As I have already made plain to the House when discussing these matters, we can achieve results only as a joint partnership.

Mr. Randall

Is the Secretary of State aware that, despite his efforts and the efforts of his predecessors, despite the Local Employment Act, the pipeline and jobs in prospect, unemployment in the northern region is almost 75 per cent. more than it was in 1951? That is about 20,000 extra unemployed. What sort of progress is that?

Mr. Heath

What the hon. Member leaves out of account is the number of unemployed which has arisen from decline of industries through structural changes and the amount of fresh industry being brought into the area to remedy it.

31. Dr. Bray

asked the Secretary of State for Industry, Trade and Regional Development what estimate he has made of the future reduction in jobs in existing industries in the North-East due to increasing capital intensity and automation.

Mr. Heath

The expected effect of technological change particularly in chemicals, coal mining and steel was taken into account, with other factors, in estimating the future level of employment in the region. But no separate figure for less of jobs due to increasing capital intensity and automation was calculated

32. Dr. Bray

asked the Secretary of State for Industry, Trade and Regional Development what steps he is taking to provide office employment in the North-East.

Mr. Heath

Grants and loans under the Local Employment Acts are available to encourage office employment in the development districts in the North-East.

Dr. Bray

Is the Secretary of State aware that 25,000 new office jobs are needed in the North-East if the average percentage of clerical and administrative workers in the North-East is to be brought up to the level in England and Wales or, far that matter, in Scotland? Will the right hon. Gentleman consider whether further particular measures are needed on office employment in the North-East to ease the situation?

Mr. Heath

I am anxious to encourage office employment in the North-East and particularly on Teesside. I hope that individual firms will move part of their office establishments to the North-East wherever possible.

Dr. Bray

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that vigorous action is needed if he is to make up for the loss of the Post Office Savings Bank and that something more positive than his present statements will be required?