HC Deb 23 April 1964 vol 693 cc1487-9
12. Mr. Ness Edwards

asked the Minister of Power what financial guarantees are being provided for the three nuclear power consortia to enable them to prepare plans and tenders for the nuclear power types envisaged in the White Paper.

Mr. Erroll

This is a commercial matter for the C.E.G.B. and the consortia.

Mr. Ness Edwards

Is not the right hon. Gentleman aware that he has published a White Paper, and that this Question is designed to try to resolve some of the ambiguity in paragraph 6? Are these tenders and designs to be negotiated? Are the three bodies involved going to take part in the general design? As there is a three-to-one chance of the consortia having their tenders rejected, how does the right hon. Gentleman propose to get results from the method suggested in paragraph 6?

Mr. Erroll

The consortia will doubtless have been studying the White Paper. The inquiries for tenders were sent out on 20th April, and I am sure they will consider how they should tender.

Mr. Ness Edwards

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that we started off with five consortia, and that we are now down to three? One of those has been wound up, and this is the field in which there is the greatest brain drain in the country. When are the Government going to exercise some authority in the matter?

Mr. Erroll

I think it is for the consortia themselves and for their constituent members to decide for themselves the appropriate form of organisation for the submission of tenders for the next stage in the nuclear power programme.

13. Mr. Ness Edwards

asked the Minister of Power whether he is satisfied that the amount of work allocated to the three nuclear power consortia is adequate to maintain the continued existence of these consortia.

Mr. Erroll

The policy of the C.E.G.B. is to award contracts on the basis of competitive tenders. I am satisfied that the new programme is large enough to provide adequate experience and to sustain facilities for rapid expansion in later years.

Mr. Ness Edwards

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in paragraph 7 of the White Paper it is proposed by the Government to keep these consortia in being? As one of them is now being wound up, are we to understand from the right hon. Gentleman's reply that some work is to be given to them in the immediate future, especially if these designs are going to take two years and there will be no development work done during that period?

Mr. Erroll

I think that the right hon. Gentleman is labouring under a misapprehension. In fact, the inquiry for tenders has gone out and it is for the consortia themselves to decide on their own form of organisation.

Mr. Ness Edwards

Will the right hon. Gentleman answer the other question? Are these to be negotiated designs and tenders? The right hon. Gentleman has given no answer to that.

Mr. Erroll

They are to be competitive tenders.