HC Deb 20 April 1964 vol 693 cc860-1
28. Miss Vickers

asked the Minister of Public Building and Works what is the programme for rebuilding, repairs and maintenance for the Royal Marine Barracks, Stonehouse, Plymouth, H.M.S. "Drake", Devonport, H.M.S. "Thunderer", Plymouth, and the Royal Naval Hospital, Stonehouse, Plymouth; in which years it is contemplated that the work will be carried out; and what will be the total cost.

Mr. Sharples

The total cost of major rebuilding in progress at present or to be started at the four establishments during the years 1964 to 1966 is estimated at £2,240,000. Much of the work will be completed by the end of 1966. Maintenance and repair expenditure in the current financial year is estimated at a total of £195,000.

With permission I will circulate details of the programmes in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Miss Vickers

Since H.M.S. "Drake" and the Royal Naval Hospital are very much in need of urgent modernisation, how does this programme compare with the programme originally provided by the Navy Works Department?

Mr. Sharples

The work we do is the work we are asked to do by the Navy Department, and certainly we intend to press on with this work as fast as we can. Perhaps my hon. Friend will look at the details which are to be circulated, which are quite extensive.

Mr. Hector Hughes

What steps are taken to invite estimates from the various shipyards to see that this valuable work is fairly distributed among the shipyards of Britain, including those of Aberdeen?

Mr. Sharples

This Question relates to expenditure on various establishments, not on ships—which, I think, the hon. and learned Gentleman has in mind.

Following are the details:
Establishment Project Total Estimate Start Date Completion Date
Royal Marine Barracks, Stonehouse, Plymouth. Stage I Development: Modernisation of ablutions, Barrack Blocks and Officers/Sergeants Galleys 285,000 1962 1964
Stage II: New Junior Ratings Club, Sergeants Mess and M.T. Complex. Modernisation of Marines sleeping Accommodation and Officers Mess 393,000 1964 1966
Stage III: Work to sick quarters, offices, stores and workshops, vehicular access and final demolitions 144,000 1965 1967
TOTAL 822,000
H.M.S "DRAKE", Devonport Modernisation of Junior Ratings and W.R.N.S. sleeping accommodation. Rehousing Signal Training Centre and Hydrographic School 390,000 1964 1967
TOTAL 390,000
H.M.S. "THUNDERER", Plymouth. Stage II Development: Officers Accommodation Block and Recreation Area 310,000 1962 1964
Stage III:
Officers Accommodation Block 337,000 1964 1966
Additional Classrooms 95,000 1963 1964
Electronics Laboratory 13,000 1964 1965
TOTAL 755,000
Royal Naval Hospital, Stonehouse, Plymouth. Modernisation of Annexes, Wards and 2 Blocks for Nursing Sisters and Auxiliaries 105,000 1964 1965
Air Conditioning the Operating Theatre 35,000 1964 1965
Conversion for Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department 18,000 1964 1965
District Heating Scheme 115,000 1964 1966
TOTAL 273,000
GRAND TOTAL 2,240,000
Estimated expenditure, 1964–65 £
Royal Marine Barracks, Stonehouse 30,000
H.M.S. "DRAKE" Devonport 65,000
H.M.S "THUNDERER" Plymouth 40,000
Royal Naval Hospital,Stonehouse 60,000
TOTAL 195,000